近日,我院长任副教授张云齐合著的关于信贷市场的研究“Labor Mobility and Loan Origination”,于金融学国际顶级期刊《Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis》(JFQA)正式发表。该论文在发表前曾受邀于多个国内外会议宣讲,并获2022年AREUEA-AsRES-GCREC联合大会最佳论文奖。该研究分析了在银行贷款市场上金融风险如何受劳动力流动性的影响,首次证实了劳动力流动性对金融市场的负面影响,对于风险防范相关的政策制定有重要参考。
We find that mortgage loans originated after the adoption of the inevitable disclosure doctrine (IDD; a mechanism discouraging loan officers’ labor mobility) have a lower default probability, a higher loan modification rate, and a lower foreclosure rate. These effects are unaccompanied by any reduction in loan supply and contribute to more stable housing prices. Using the adoption of the Uniform Trade Secrets Act as an alternative identification generates consistent results. Overall, our findings suggest that restricting loan officers’ labor mobility leads to better ex ante screening and ex post monitoring, improving the origination efficiency for U.S. residential mortgage loans.